
Helen Christiane


The debate on vaccination has been in the news since the emergence of the new omicron variant of the Covid 19. Medical researchers and vaccine manufacturing companies are continuously working on developing effective vaccines to safeguard the lives of the citizens.  Changing “Fully Vaccinated” Definition Talks Will Start Soon In the past few weeks, medical experts have been demanding to change the definition of the “fully vaccinated” in order to bring new rules in the…

The pandemic has widely affected the festivals in the world as it is considered the best way to spend some quality time with your family and friends. With the rise in the covid, 19 infections in the United States people have been forced to stay indoors and celebrate the festive season in small indoor gatherings.  Vaccinated & Booster Shot Recipients Need Not Cancel Their Holiday Plans The medical experts have been stressing the major fact…

With the cases of omicron variants on the rise, the administration has been forced to take some major steps. The development of booster shots has been a game-changer to fight against the delta variant and its effective results are yet to be analyzed by the scientists whether the booster shot can play an important role in fighting against the omicron variant or not.  Variant Specific Vaccine Might Be The Need Of The Hour Stated Dr.…

The new variant of the novel coronavirus, Omicron, is known to be one of the fastest transmitting variants of the deadly covid 19 virus and is becoming prevalent in almost all parts of the world.  Tests Maximize As Omicron Spreads Throughout the U.S. According to the World Health Organization, in areas of community transmission, the speed of the spread of this virus is such that the number of cases is known to double in 3…

As per the report, last year when the pandemic was at its peak level and the availability of the vaccine was very low, fewer people traveled and celebrated Christmas day with big gatherings. This year the situation seems the same but the severity level has reduced due to the wide availability of vaccines for the entire population in the United States. No Changes In The Plan To Celebrate The Holiday Season The time from which…

The pandemic started almost 2 years back when the first case was detected in China’s Wuhan city. Since that the pandemic has been taking new twists and turns. With more than 270 million cases around the globe, the United States has surpassed 50 million cases in less than 2 years.  The Pandemic Not Ending Soon May Get Extended Till 2024 According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, alone in the United States,…

As per the news and latest updates, further new studies have found that the omicron variant is set new records and will become a more dominant variant in the United States in just a few weeks. Within a span of less than a week, the Omicron infection rate has increased from 1% to 3% in some states. On the other hand, the percentage of the omicron variant has seen a surge up to 135-15 percent. …

The Christmas holidays are around the corner and the strict travel rules from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have made people get tested as soon as possible. People have to showcase the testing proof at least 24 hours before boarding the flight to travel safely and people are now standing in long queues to get tested and travel to their homes for the Christmas Celebrations.  The Omicron Variant Creating Its Impact, Long…

The White House Administration under the leadership of President Joe Biden and Chief Medical Consultant Dr. Anthony Fauci has been taking major precautionary steps in the wake of the upcoming wave of the Covid 19 virus in the United States. 40 New Pop Up Vaccination Centers Set Up In The New York State It has been expected that the deadly combination of the delta version and omicron variant will create havoc in the United States…

Since the emergence of the new COVID-19 variant in South Africa, most countries are being affected by its increasing numbers on a daily basis. As per The World Health Organization and other medical agencies in the United States, the Omicron variant is more transmissible and spreads more quickly. Officials have warned the country to be cautious because the numbers are doubling every day and within some weeks this new variant will surely become the dominant…