The Pandemic has been the worst nightmare for the entire world, and more than 5 million people have lost their lives due to this disease.

Nurses Facing Burn Outs Since The Start Of The Pandemic

The health workers were the backbone to fight the virus single-handedly. The way doctors, nurses, and other medical service providers have worked day and night to safeguard the lives of people.

Nurses Facing Burn Outs Since The Start Of Pandemic

Since the start of the global pandemic, all the health care workers have been the frontline warriors. Nurses have played one of the most important parts in fighting the pandemic.

They have been the most exposed to the unvaccinated, covid positive people. For the past few months, nurses in the US are feeling burnt out of the situation. The nurses are facing trauma and harassment for the last two years which have finally taken a toll on their physical and mental health.

Many nurses have worked in double shifts to take care of people as in the initial stage of covid 19. Many states in the USA have even complained about the shortage of nurses in hospitals and nursing homes.

Certain studies by different nursing organizations have shown that many nurses were facing depression, anxiety issues due to the fear of catching viruses, a huge number of deaths, and even it led some of the nurses to quit working.

Many top medical agencies and worker groups have presented such issues to the federal agencies. The burnout situation has arisen due to the increased level of stress and fear of the pandemic. The dramatic increase in burnout cases has shocked the US medical authorities and will lead to a shortage of health care workers in the coming weeks.

The current situation ave challenged the working and mental health of nurses like never before.

The patient satisfaction needs have been affected negatively in the past 2 years and this has caused a sense of irresponsibility amongst many nurses. According to a study, more than 60 percent of the nurses have symptoms of stress, sleeping disorder, exhaustion and this led some nurses to quit their jobs.

This has also led to the increase in the demand of health care workers in the USA. The government has even announced a hike in the salaries and offered them rewards and bonuses for overtime.

The states like Colorado, New Mexico are actually facing a shortage of nurses and it has even led to negligence to the patients. The covid cases which are coming to the hospitals are very severe and it demands intensive care which some hospitals are not able to provide.

The rise in the hospitalization rate is a matter of concern for the states that are under an acute shortage of health care staff. The Federal Government must take some serious actions to save the mental health level of the frontline workers in the United States.

Also, to fill the gap more and more educated and trained people must be motivated to take up nursing as a profession.